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Table 2 Proposed classification of Bacillaceae bacteriocins in class II (post-translationally unmodified peptides)

From: Biomanufacturing process for the production of bacteriocins from Bacillaceae family



Bacteriocin (strain)


Type A (cystibiotic)

Pediocin-like bacteriocins contains medium-length bacteriocins (37–48 residues) with strong antilisterial activity. The group contain a conserved N-terminal sequence—the YGNGV “pediocin box”—and one or two intra-chain disulfide bonds

Coagulin (B. coagulans)

Entomocin 110 (B. thuringiensis subsp. entomocidus)

SRCAM 37 (P. polymyxa NRRL B-30507)

SRCAM 602 (P. polymyxa NRRL B-30509)

SRCAM 1580 (B. circulans NRRL B-30644

Thermocins (Geobacillus stearothermophilus)

Cherif et al. (2008), Pokusaeva et al. (2009), Hyronimus et al. (1998), Svetoch et al. (2005)

Type B (thuricin-like peptide)

Bacteriocins shared similar N-terminal sequence with the anti-Listeria bacteriocin thuricin S)

Thuricin S (B. thuringiensis HD198)

Thuricin17 (B. thuringiensis)

Bacthuricin F4 (B. thuringiensis)

Cerein MRX1 (B. cereus)

Thuricin 7 (B. thuringiensis BMG1.7)

EntomocinHD9 (B. thuringiensis subsp. entomocidus)

Tochicin (B. thuringiensis subsp. tochigiensis HD868)

Thuricin HD2 (B. thuringiensis subsp. thuringiensis)

Cherif et al. (2008), Salazar-Marroquín et al. (2016)

Type C

Two-peptide bacteriocins whose antimicrobial activity relies on the complementary action of the two different peptides

Thuricin 439 (B. thuringiensis B439)

Huang et al. (2016)

Type D

One-peptide noncyclic bacteriocins that show no sequence similarity to other bacteriocins. It also includes a leaderless bacteriocin subgroup whose members are different from most bacteriocins in that they do not involve an N-terminal leader sequence for exporting nonpediocin linear one-peptide

Cerein 7A (B. cereus)

Cerein 7B (B. cereus)

Lichenin (B. licheniformis)

BLIS (Virgibacillus salexigens)

Pattnaik et al. (2001), Ovchinnikov et al. (2016), Luca et al. (2002)

  1. Class II is nonlantibiotics bacteriocins contain peptides without modified residues or with minor modifications (e.g. disulfide bridge or circularization)