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Fig. 4 | Bioresources and Bioprocessing

Fig. 4

From: Reduction of phenolics in faba bean meal using recombinantly produced and purified Bacillus ligniniphilus catechol 2,3-dioxygenase

Fig. 4

Biocatalytic reduction of phenols in faba bean meal using BLC23O. Phenolic content in faba bean total, fine and coarse meal fractions was evaluated in the presence (black) and absence (blue) of BLC23O over time. An enzyme-only control sample was also assessed (grey). Reactions between each meal type and BLC23O were initiated with the addition of 0.06 mg/mL of enzyme. Samples were taken in 15-min intervals and reacted with the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent. Time zero was set to 100% phenol and changes in absorbance at 725 nm plotted on a percentage change basis with A fine, B total and C coarse meal fractions. The observed changes in phenol content of BLC23O-treated D fine, E total and F coarse meal fractions were quantified relative to untreated fractions. The data represent the mean and standard deviation (n = 3). Linear fits of the data and the corresponding equations and coefficients of determination are shown

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